The Culture Challenge Directory

Use The Culture Challenge directory to search for creative and cultural practitioners and organisations. You can search by key word or postcode in the box below or by category, and you can further refine your search on the next page.

Please note – as the service ceased in August 2022 we are no longer accepting new entries to the Directory and details may not be up to date at time of viewing.  If you would like to report incorrect data on the Directory please contact Bedford Creative Arts at 01234 818670 or

You will find general information, information for schools and contact details on each listing. If you have any questions, please contact the provider directly using their contact details listed. Enjoy exploring everything that is on offer.

Looking for providers connected to challenge Volunteer or raise money for charity.

As we did not find any providers specifically for this challenge, please allow us to show you all the providers we have in our database. We hope you find the right one for you.
If you are a provider and wish to be add this challenge please contact us.