Antarctica Week 2018 for Schools

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has a fantastic opportunity for UK schools to link up with polar experts during ‘Antarctica Week’ 3 – 7 December 2018.

What BAS is offering:

An opportunity to talk to a member of BAS staff or the UK Polar research community on weekdays from 3-7 December to celebrate Antarctica Day on 1st December.

This year BAS are excited to announce that in addition to BAS staff they are offering UK schools the opportunity to speak to scientists participating in the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration. This new UK-US collaboration aims to study Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica to reduce the uncertainty in how it is contributing to global sea-level rise.

If you’re keen to engage your students in why polar research matters and what it’s like living and working in Antarctica then you can book a slot to get involved in this unique opportunity which comprises:

  • A phone call with a researcher or member of staff who’s in Antarctica at one of the British Antarctic Survey stations or who has experience working in Antarctica (sorry but Skype isn’t possible due to bandwidth)
  • 45-minute slots available daily at 10.00am and 11.00am GMT
  • Photos of the Antarctic stations plus biographies of the people your pupils have a chance to chat to and ask questions
  • Format includes: a short 10 minute introduction from your ‘Antarctic educator’ then time for questions – please get your pupils involved in advance!

If you’d like to get involved, please visit the British Antarctic Survey website to apply.