April Surgery at MK Arts Centre

Join us in Milton Keynes in April for our drop in Surgery at the Milton Keynes Arts Centre on Thursday 4th April between 1200 and 1330. This is your chance to meet the Culture Challenge Team and ask any questions about becoming listed as one of our Cultural Providers.

Throughout the year, we are continuing to reach out to new cultural providers across the MK region by running informal ‘surgeries’, which are free, drop-in sessions for anyone wanting to learn more about The Culture Challenge. It’s your chance to ask questions about our application procedure and get valuable advice on things like DBS checks, public liability insurance, or even ask about best practice when working in schools. We’re here to help, so why not pop by and say hello?

If you’ve not visited the Milton Keynes Arts Centre before, it’s also a great opportunity to come and have a look at this wonderful venue. The Arts Centre is set in the historic grounds of Great Linford Manor Park, presenting a programme of artist residencies, events and educational activities inspired by this unique location. They aim to provide access to specialist resources and the space to explore new ideas and directions in the development of craft, design and the visual arts.

We hope to see you there!