ArtsMark Development Day

The next ArtsMark Development Day, organised by the Royal Opera House Bridge is due to take place at Stevenage Museum on 27 February 9.30 – 5.00 pm.  

Artsmark Development Days are hosted in cultural organisations and led by experienced education consultants and/or ROH Bridge School Engagment Managers. They will support SLT and Artsmark leads who want to see improvements in cultural learning and provide high quality arts provision. 

Development Days are the first important stage in becoming an Artsmark setting. They provide opportunities for discussion and sharing, and you will leave having made tangible progress in drafting your Statement of Commitment. 

They look forward to welcoming two colleagues from each setting, one of whom must be a member of the senior management team or a governor.  

To register and find out more about the schedule for the day, directions and travel recommendations, visit the Eventbrite listing for the event.  

Find out more 

What is ArtsMark 

  • Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England. 

What do they provide?  

  • Artsmark provides a clear framework for teachers to plan, develop and evaluate arts, culture and creativity across the curriculum.  
  • Schools are supported throughout their Artsmark journey by our regional network of Bridge organisations, providing training, advice, practical teaching resources and introductions to leading cultural organisations in your area.  
  • Schools are awarded Silver, Gold or Platinum, based on their achievements. 
  • Artsmark has a common sense application process that is light on paperwork and flexible to each school.