Cultural Providers needed for Arts and Culture Intervention for Vulnerable Learners

Could you help Central Bedfordshire Council to develop the findings of a recent pilot project?

Shortstown Culture Club

This is an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the real value of the arts and the impact such activities can have on individuals, especially those who may be struggling with self-confidence or emotional wellbeing.  This is a chance to get involved in the delivery of the arts beyond simply teaching techniques and frame it within the context of wellbeing, and positive outcomes for the overall school community. 

They are looking for cultural providers to help deliver a sustainable and cost-effective cultural and arts intervention for vulnerable learners within schools.  

The aim of the project is to deliver a range of positive outcomes which will include:

  • An improvement in participant self-reported confidence, self-esteem, resilience and emotional wellbeing (in line with the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2023)
  • Opportunities for participants to achieve recognition and accreditation for their engagement in the arts
  • Increased interest in learning
  • An improvement in participants being engaged in positive activities (both within the project offer itself and via supported pathways into other arts and cultural opportunities across our venues)
  • Support for a wider professional network for arts and culture in central Bedfordshire to thrive  

Application is by tender, so to express an interest in this opportunity and find out more, please visit the job profile on the Central Bedfordshire website and click the Express Interest button on the bottom right of the page, when you will then have opportunity to register on their system and begin your application.