£600 of Culture Vouchers for MK schools

We are excited to announce that we have £600 of Culture Vouchers available for two schools in Milton Keynes (£300 each). We are thankful to Arts Gateway MK for funding these vouchers, enabling creative and cultural activities to take place in two lucky Milton Keynes schools.

The Culture Challenge
Can your school take The Culture Challenge?

How do Culture Vouchers work?

Culture Vouchers work as a closed currency, awarded to schools to spend on the delivery of creative workshops with their pupils. They can be exchanged with any Provider listed on The Culture Challenge Directory when booking your workshop.

We have a wide range of local, creative people experienced in working in schools, from the traditional Arts & Crafts, to Music & Performance, Nature & Adventure and even Media & Technology. Do take a look through our growing directory of Cultural Providers working across Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire and Luton to explore some of the creative activities we can help to provide in your school.

You can split your £300 voucher between providers, or use it as part payment where necessary. If the booking cost comes to more than the voucher amount, you must match fund the remainder. If you don’t use all your voucher’s funds, we will hold the remainder of the money for you to spend at a later date, but before July 2019.

I think this would be perfect for my school! How do I apply?

Great, we’d love to hear from you! Vouchers will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and available to both primary and secondary schools. In the first instance please email Jo Atherton, (joa@bedfordcreativearts.org.uk) The Culture Challenge Co-ordinator to obtain an application form and arrange a chat, if need be.