EqualiTeach seeks artist for school workshops

Building Stronger Britain Together
Agents for Change: Young People Raising Awareness of and Combating Islamophobia

EqualiTeach have secured funding from Building Stronger Britain Together to run a programme of work with young people in Luton. Agents for Change: Young People Raising Awareness of and Combating Islamophobia will see students from four secondary schools and four primary schools working together to raise awareness of and combat Islamophobia in their schools and communities.

EqualiTeach is a not-for-profit equality training and consultancy organisation which works with educational establishments from early years to higher education, to provide support and training to help them to meet their equality duties and objectives.

EqualiTeach workshop

This programme will empower young people to become active citizens, raising awareness of an issue that impacts them, and/or their friends, family and community.

The project will run from July 2019 to December 2019 and will build on a successful pilot that EqualiTeach delivered in Tower Hamlets from November 2017-May 2018.

Two programmes (Primary and Secondary) will run separately, side by side, but all pupils will come together for the awards ceremony at the end of the project.

Each school will select six students and one teacher to take part in the project.

The young people will come together for an initial consultation and planning day. The day will feature a carousel of group discussions, workshops and action planning, so that the young people have the opportunity to bring forward the issues that they face and the ways in which they would like to address these. At the end of the planning day, pupils will be supported to action plan ways in which they would like to challenge Islamophobia, in their schools and local community.

EqualiTeach are seeking an artist to work with pupils to develop an advertising campaign, which will feature on posters, leaflets and on www.equaliteach.co.uk newsletters and magazines to raise awareness of the harm of Islamophobia and Hate Crime more generally and what people can do about it.

You will be working for two days with two groups:

  • 24 young people aged 11-15
  • 24 young people aged 9-11

EqualiTeach welcome proposals from Culture Challenge Providers working in any visual art discipline. The budget for the activity is £200 – 300 to include VAT, prep time, travel and materials. 

EqualiTeach Agents for Change Project Brief

Please send your Expressions of Interest to Rachel Elgy at rachel@equaliteach.co.uk. The deadline for expressions to be received is by the 19th July 2019.