Fully Funded Diwali Opportunity for Primary Schools in Milton Keynes
We wanted to let you know about a fully funded, excellent opportunity that is available for Primary Schools in Milton Keynes.
Urja Desai Takore from Pagrav Dance Company has joined us on The Culture Challenge. You can see her profile here.

Excitingly, Urja has secured funding to work with two MK based schools to work on a Diwali project in September / October 2017. She is looking for two schools who would be interested to do a week-long project with workshops creating a movement-based theatre outcome, based on Ramayana for the celebration of Diwali.

The project will include:

  • Shadow Puppetry
  • Dance Movement
  • Dialogues
  • Masks
Students will be working with two artists, an actor and a movement director, and will devise the story for Diwali which can be presented in school at the end of one week. Then the selected students from both schools will be invited to work further for a day during a weekend, and they will then present this on a very limited ticketed show at the MK Gallery.

Ideally Urja would like to work with one full year group, either Year 4, 5 or 6. She anticipates working in the school for one full week (9.30am – 2.30pm) ideally splitting the classes to take one class at a time. On the last day all the classes would come together. The exact dates for these dance residencies are to be confirmed, but it will be before Diwali (so in either September or October).

If you are interested, please contact Urja directly on: urja@pagravdance.com