Funding Available for your School’s Library!

We have recently discovered some organisations who specifically offer funding to schools to improve their libraries, be it with new books, IT equipment or furniture! Read on for more information.

The Siobhan Dawd Trust offers £1,000 a month for children’s & YA books!
In 2017, The Siobhan Dawd Trust offers the opportunity for schools to go to a local bookshop (preferably a small Independent bookseller with a good stock of children’s and YA books) and select books! This year they will be giving away £1,000 MONTHLY.
The selection of the books is to be made by a small number of pupils aided by Librarians and Booksellers. Part of the aim of this project is to encourage the art of browsing and for young people to feel ownership about the books chosen for the school.

Where possible, they would like to pupils to be PP or need encouragement / recognition in some way. For more information about how to apply and to view previous winners, please view their website.

The Foyle Foundation offers funding for School Libraries

The Foyle Schools Library Scheme gives priority to Primary Schools, and recognises that there is no statutory requirement for schools to have a library. Many school libraries are in a desperate situation through underfunding and underdevelopment. Encouraging children to read widely from an early age will provide a major boost to improving literacy skills, which is a current key educational objective.

Priority will be given to funding library / reading books. Some funding towards e-readers can be considered if a justifiable need is presented. We will not fund textbooks or curriculum books. The Foundation will also consider contributions towards library software, necessary IT equipment and furniture etc. in order to create a suitable library space.

For more information about how to apply, please view their website.

Photograph by Katy Dynes.