Help Bromham CofE Primary School students make-over their new hall

Bromham CofE Primary School have recently built a new area on site which hosts 7 classrooms and a new hall space. They are looking for 2 visual artists to create an inviting and engaging display in their hall, which is often used for collective worship.
Bromham CofE Primary School would like to incorporate their 11 school values, as well as elements that reflect the aspect of it being a church school. This could be using stories from the Bible, or iconic symbols that the students can identify clearly. The values are as follows:
Respect, Resilience, Agape, Happiness, Quality, Creativity, Service, Forgiveness, Trust, Compassion and Courage.
They are open to any artistic style and visual outcome, and would like this to be a collaborative project where the children have an active part in producing an element of the display.
The walls are bare so you will have free reign over the design concept, however they envision the design to fill the border around the top of the room. Photographs of the space are available upon request.
You are welcome to come for a site visit to see clearly the scale of the space if you are selected. They are looking for two visual artists to do a full day of creative workshops in the week commencing the 5th March 2018. The day will be split into 3 sessions of 80 minutes, and include groups of up to 30 students from a mix of KS2 students in Year 3 – Year 5. There will be a member of staff available to assist during the sessions. They would also like the provider to install the work at a date agreed with the school after the day of delivery.
This opportunity is only open to Culture Challenge Practitioners. Please forward your expressions of interest to by Friday 2nd February with a brief description of your activity and what part the students will play, whether you would prefer to focus on the values or the biblical symbolism aspect, and an indication of costs (inclusive of travel, prep, materials, delivery, installation and VAT). This opportunity is paid for by the school, and they will make the final decision on the selection. You will be informed if you have been successful by Monday 12th February.