Introducing Tina Gray-Rampello, ROH Bridge School Engagement Manager

The Royal Opera House Bridge has a new School Engagement Manager called Tina Gray-Rampello who will be working with schools in our region to develop awareness and opportunities for arts and culture. 

Tina is keen to hear about all the great things that are happening in schools and is also offering support in developing areas of arts and culture in your curriculum. Your school might not have considered how developing creative learning into your pedagogical approach can enhance learning across the curriculum or be personalised to your school development plan but Tina can help!  

In addition, Tina is on hand to support schools who are going through the Artsmark process and is available to provide personalised support at any stage of the journey. You can contact her for advice or to arrange a meeting – email or call 07939584237.  

Tina Gray-Rampello