Teacher Invitation to Central Bedfordshire Creative Networking

Following on from the Arts and Culture in Local Schools Event in October, The Grove Theatre and The Royal Opera House Bridge would like to invite schools to the first Central Bedfordshire Creative Network meeting. This will be taking place on Monday 4th March 2019 between 4pm – 6pm and is open to all education staff that are interested in developing creative and cultural learning.

This is an opportunity for Central Bedfordshire schools to network and develop their knowledge of local and national cultural providers. CPD opportunities, based on the local needs, will be supported to impact directly on the children and young people educated in the area.

Local Artist Sophie Gresswell will be supporting a practical session on the progression of skills in drawing and how technology can be used to enhance learning in this area.

Sophie, who has been commissioned as the artist for the library at the new Dunstable Centre, will be exploring the concept of place and local area, highlighting the use of art in cross curricular learning.

Clare Probert, Headteacher at Lancot Challenger Academy, will be discussing how the school’s curriculum design has enabled the arts to be a core element of their creative curriculum.

Complimentary drinks and nibbles will be available.

Please bring your laptop/ tablet with you for the session (a USB port will be required on your device).

Please note that the nearest parking to the theatre is pay and display.

Click here to book your place at this event now!

For more details please contact Tina at tina.gray-rampello@roh.org.uk or Karen Windley on grove.education2@sll.co.uk