It’s Artsmark Celebration Week!

Artsmark Celebration week takes place between the 9th – 13th October 2017. The Culture Challenge team at Bedford Creative Arts have been pleased to support Shortstown Primary school as they work towards their Artsmark award.

“Bedford Creative Arts and The Culture Challenge have played a very important and essential role in supporting our school when working towards our Artsmark Award. We officially started our Artsmark journey last year where the team at The Culture Challenge were able to invest time in meeting our Art and Culture coordinator. In these meetings, we were able to discuss what our schools vision was for the future, whilst The Culture Challenge were able to provide ideas and opportunities in achieving our aims. The Culture Challenge team were happy to help at every step and even supported our staff when writing and editing our statement of commitment. Their dedication to working with us has been incredibly helpful and has shown us that although it felt daunting at first, working towards to Artsmark award is achievable” – Shortstown Primary School

The Artsmark Celebration Week is run by Arts Council England. It is an opportunity for 3000 Artsmark schools to celebrate their incredible achievements, and promote those who continue to put arts and culture at the heart of education.

Artsmark Development Day at The Higgins, Bedford. Tuesday 14th November, 10am – 3:30pm


If you have attended an after-school Artsmark Briefing and discussed expectations within your school, you will be ready to take the first step on the Artsmark journey.

Artsmark Development Events – hosted in cultural organisations and led by experienced education consultants, will support head teachers and classroom staff who want to see school improvements in cultural learning and quality arts provision.

Development events are the first important stage in becoming an Artsmark school. They provide opportunities for discussion and sharing, and you will leave having made tangible progress in drafting your Statement of Commitment.

To book onto the event, please follow this link.