Bedford Creative Arts

We commission artists to make ambitious new works in contemporary visual arts and music – from a new choral concerto to lacing a building in Bedfordshire lace to wind charming performances. We offer young people the opportunity to work alongside those artists, being part of the experience of creating a new artwork.

We want young people to experience working with professional artists at the highest level – not to just learn about their work. We can offer both long term projects and one-off artist-led workshops. These could be writing lyrics or music for a new orchestral performance to designing and producing a billboard. We commission new artists each year so there will always be new programmes of work to take part in.

We are happy to speak to schools to discuss their specific requirements. We also run artist’s studios and can help you find artists for your programmes. We have two key ways that we support art and cultural provision for young people and schools: we are an Arts Award Supporter and we run the Culture Challenge project.