Inspiring Music

Inspiring Music is the lead partner of the music education hub for Central Bedfordshire.  We offer instrumental and vocal lessons in schools and whole class learning opportunities through a variety of different projects, both instrumental and vocal.  The projects can be anything from a half or full day workshop to a whole year project with some of them ending in a large-scale concert and well renowned venues.

We run a range of projects with our partner organisations to ensure the highest quality musical opportunities are available for the young people of Central Bedfordshire and to provide access through inclusivity.  Some of the projects that we have delivered are:  Orchestras Live giving children the opportunity to see and work with a live orchestra and Supergroup with our special and mainstream schools working together with Digital Music.

The events that young people can get involve in are Battle of the Bands (at The Stables, Milton Keynes and Connolly Hall, Ampthill) and various instrumental and vocal days.

We also have 3 music centres where anyone of any age can come along and extend their musical learning opportunities and join many of our diverse groups to access different ensembles and learning communities.

Recent projects:

Inspiring Music News

Inspiring Music with iPads in Central Bedfordshire