Ready Steady Roll

Ready Steady Roll provide Board Game Workshops for all ages which can be focused on a number of themes, such as creativity, maths or strategic thinking. We also run an After School Programme with a focus on fun and life skills.

Board games are a fantastic source of education, covering all areas of learning. They can help children to work together, teach children to be gracious winners, and can help boost children’s self-esteem. Children of today are growing up in a technological world, and while that’s great, it’s also great for children to take part in interactive activities which promote discussion and interactive play with their peers.

During out game workshops we:

  • Discuss gaming etiquette and being a good sport
  • Teach the class a variety of games related to a chosen theme or subject
  • Discuss with the students how the games relate to the theme/subject and how they are applying the skills they learn in class practically
  • Encourage children to think critically and develop strategies

We can also run after school activities or smaller sessions with a select group of students who may need help in a particular area, such as self-confidence/esteem, maths or social skills.

We can also run family game events to encourage families to spend more quality time together.

“It was lovely to see the children interacting so well with each other. It definitely challenged and developed co-operation and communication skills. The explanation of expectations and the ‘social’ rules worked really well. Thank you again for a fantastic morning. We would thoroughly recommend Ready, Steady, Roll and hope  you enjoy the experience as much as we did.”John Gibbard Lower School