Maria Merridan

Maria is an illustrator and printmaker, working with mixed media; collage, print and drawing. She has 22 years of teaching experience, delivering sessions to teenagers and adults in college and community settings. Maria has previously been involved in the Pint of Science Festival in Cambridge, producing artworks in collaboration with scientists, including; Helen Mason OBE (Solar Physics), Dr Giles Yeo (Geneticist) and Dr Hugh Hunt (Engineering). Maria is inspired by natural history, the weather, journeys and science.

In addition, she has created a range of illustrations which she sells under the name of Coded Storm.

She owns a portable Rollaco press, which prints, relief, intaglio and mono-print methods.

Maria can offer workshops to discreet groups of learners, wishing to explore printmaking, build-up portfolios for GCSE/ A Level or who just to enjoy a new technique.

Having worked with science based themes, she can deliver cross-discipline sessions, combining art and science. Marias illustrative work also fits well with an English focus, for example; creating illustrated narratives. Workshops can be developed to meet the needs of the school and curriculum.

Finally, she can also offer activities which encourage young people to develop their creative potential and to explore drawing as tool for well-being, for example; ‘feeling through drawing’ and ‘mindful drawing’.

Maria is happy and able to offer sessions to staff, and would be open to discuss the individual needs of a school/ college. She has experience in teaching taster sessions in printmaking and drawing. She is able to support primary school staff in developing cross-curriculum activities and passing onideas and best practice for developing creative potential.


Issuu Publication as a fellow with the Digswell Arts Trust:-

Digswell Artist of the Month: