Little Science Lab

I believe that the best way to teach children how things work is to show them. I endeavour to explain complicated scientific concepts using fun, practical hands-on activities and demonstrations. I believe that science is key to so many other subjects (art, music, PE etc) and that by engaging children early on in a love of science you can spark an interest that will cultivate an enquiring mind and a love of investigation throughout their education.

I am a scientist by training and in the last two years I have worked at a STEM education centre as well as running ‘Little Science Lab’. I run practical science workshops and parties for children of all ages from early years through to secondary school. All of my workshops focus on a scientific theme, (light, sound, colour, food chains, chemical reactions, materials, space…) always include demonstrations and practical activities alongside discussion and enquiry skills.

I run a science club at Ursula Taylor Primary School and Edith Cavell Primary School; I have been involved in Bedpop events for the last two years including a roadshow of school assembly demonstrations to advertise the events. I work regularly with the Higgins Museum in Bedford running school holiday activities. I also have experience working with home educators and SEN groups.