LifeBox Theatre Co.

At Lifebox Theatre we offer a live theatre experience through productions that support the delivery and exploration of issues and topics covered in the PSHE curriculum, and that can be tailored to suit specific year groups.

LifeBox currently offers three productions for schools:

‘Our Present Future’ focuses on dreams and aspirations, and is suitable for years 7, 8 & 9: Four characters, one after-school detention. A random meeting between some very different characters brings challenges and questions about their hopes for the future.

‘Chancing It’ is our sex and relationships educations piece for years 9 & 10: Lauren and Tabs get into hot water when their friendship turns into something more at a party… and we’re not just talking a quick snog… Their mates Jake and Soph have very different opinions about what just happened, and about what they should do now.

‘Rumours’ tackles the ups and downs of peer relationships, including bullying and cyber bullying, and is suitable for years 7 & 8: Friendships… not always easy, huh? What happens when someone you thought you trusted blabs your secret?

Based on the work of the theatre practitioner Augusto Boal, we can also introduce elements of forum theatre into these productions to explore the issues raised. Forum theatre allows us to stop, change and discuss the action. It is interactive in nature because it directly involves the audience, and it’s brilliant for exploring the topic in question.Discussion is encouraged and is a natural part of the process. It’s even possible for audience members to come up and take over a role!