Drumming is Fun

Drumming Is Fun – enjoyment deepens learning

Kids love drumming, e.g.:
     “Drumming is AWESOME! It’s my favourite subject!”
     “I’ve been looking forward to this class all week.”
     “It was one of the best music lessons ever!”
     “I liked playing the dun duns in the performance because it made me feel really confident and proud.”

As well as being a dynamic screen-free way to learn about other
cultures, African drumming is a great all-inclusive activity to build
self-esteem and well-being while developing character and musical

Since 1992 I’ve been studying djembe with master drummers from Nigeria,
Ghana, Guinea, and Ivory Coast. In 2005 I extended my learning to
embrace the dun duns, the bass drum heartbeat of African rhythms. I’ve
since embarked on field trips to Senegal to study with master musicians
in their native villages, to experience directly the vibrant culture of
West Africa, which I’m committed to bringing to a wider audience,
sharing the joy and unity it creates.

In leading thousands of workshops and performances, I’ve refined my
techniques and know what works well with groups of all ages. I have
considerable experience working with special needs projects.

Find out about the benefits of African Drumming.


“I could not be more pleased with our sessions. Not only did the children finish the workshops able to play a range of pieces on different types of drum, but also they gained a lot in terms of self-esteem and sense of achievement. Malcolm Smith is a talented
musician but also a good – and very patient – teacher who was able to adapt his own teaching style and the content of the lessons to suit a diverse group of children.”
– Chris Loft, Assistant Head Teacher, Goldington Green School, Bedford

See more testimonials here.

Find out about recent projects here.