Denise Bowser
 For me painting is like leaping into a magical and fascinating world of colours and shapes. Once I take the plunge and start painting, I often don’t know where my artistic voyage will take me. This is, however, what attracts and enchants me… and keeps me longing for more.

I’m based in Hertfordshire, but my paintings are often inspired by landscapes from my homeland Brazil or countries like Peru, Bolivia, India, Thailand and others.

I hope that, like me, when you look at my paintings, you take the plunge into my intriguing or vibrant worlds and enjoy the journey.

I am a visual artist with a wealth of experience in schools. I currently provide whole term projects and have a fixed weekly slot(afterschool hours) with each school.

The projects are based on the works of famous artists such as Cezanne, Turner, Picasso, Matisse etc. A media is chosen(for example, watercolour, acrylics, collage or even more than one at the same time). I do a step-by-step demonstration of the drawing and the application of the media. At the end of the fifth or 6th week a scene in the style of the chosen artist is complete.
I also do private tuition in my own studio in Harpenden and one day workshops. I am a member of Herts Visual Arts, and a regular exhibitor at art shows around Hertfordshire. I offer 2 or 3 hour card making and simple watercolour composition workshops to charity organisations that deal with elderly people and people with mental disabilities.
“Engagement with the students was good, practical demonstration was very clear. Assisting on a one to one basis was good…All students thoroughly enjoyed themselves, one student commented ‘I just can’t stop smiling!'” – Jacqui Saunders, Head of Art at Mark Rutherford School