‘Faith in Queens Park’ Faith Tours

Queen’s Park in Bedford is rich in both culture and religion, with Christians, Muslims and Sikhs living together in harmony.  Our three faith communities have places of worship within three hundred metres of each other, and faith leaders have developed a ‘Faith Tour’ for school visits.
The Queen’s Park Faith Tour provides an opportunity for schools to:

  • bring R.E. alive through first hand experience;
  • enhance the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils;
  • and, experience community cohesion at work.

Faith tours only run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The timings work as follows, but sometimes we have multiple tours in a carousel so please read carefully the information on your booking confirmation letter for details of your tour.

  • 9.50am Arrive at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Ford End Road, Bedford  MK40 4JX for tour and presentation.
  • 11am Arrive at Jamia Masjid Gulshane Baghdad (Westbourne Road Mosque) for tour and presentation.
  • 12 noon Arrive at All Saints Parish Room where pupils eat their packed lunches.
  • 12.30pm Tour of the Church with presentation. 1.30pm Depart from All Saints Parish Church, Westbourne Road, Bedford  MK40 4LD.

Each stop includes a tour of the building, an interactive presentation, and a chance to ask questions. The optimum number of pupils for one tour is 30-60. We can occasionally make special provision for a higher number but please do let us know in advance. Ordinarily if your numbers exceed this you will need to book and pay for two tours (which can run concurrently on the same day). All visitors are asked to respect our religious and cultural traditions by:

  • dressing modestly, ensuring that shoulders and legs are covered; removing footwear before entering the Mosque and Gurdwara;
  • bringing packed lunches that are strictly vegetarian (no meat, fish or eggs);
  • and, ensuring that all participants bring a headscarf (not hats or handkerchiefs).

Headscarves must be worn by all people entering the Gurdwara (there are spares at the entrance for those who forget). Females also need to wear a headscarf in the Mosque. No meat, fish or eggs are allowed into the Gurdwara on account of the Sikh belief in the sanctity of all life.

An information support pack can also be downloaded from our website to help you get the most out of your visit.

We hope that you will join us on this engaging and enlightening tour of Queen’s Park Bedford.

Please see the flyers below to find out more about our weekly club sessions.