John Bunyan Museum

The John Bunyan Museum tells the story of this renowned author, pastor and preacher and famous Bedford figure. Visitors to the museum are able to take a walk through Bunyan’s life and times. We offer an engaging learning experience for your class through hands-on sessions and cross-curriculum exploration of our site. A visit lasts between 1 – 2 hours, and the site can accommodate up to 60 children divided into 2-3 groups rotated across the site.

A Standard Visit:

  • 30mins guided tour of the museum – investigating the life and times of the significant local individual John Bunyan.
  • 30mins tour of the church – using the stained glass windows to tell the story of The Pilgrim’s Progress and it’s Bedfordshire settings.
  • 30mins replica investigative handling-session – ‘Rich and Poor in Bunyan’s Bedfordshire’*, investigate how differently rich and poor people lived in Bunyan’s Bedfordshire.
  • Additional/ optional: 30min replica costume session ‘John and Elizabeth Bunyan’ *- (also available as whole group final session in church).

To support these sessions and to add optional on-site activities there is a Teachers Resource Pack available.

Outreach: Our outreach session supports local history KS1 & 2, and develops discovery and enquiry skills. A session lasts 1 hour, and includes the ‘John and Elizabeth Bunyan costume’ and ‘Rich and Poor in Bunyan’s Bedfordshire’ (*see above). The session can be repeated for multiple classes.

‘It has been an interesting day. Thank you for letting us hold the artefacts.’

– Abbey Middle school pupil