The Womack-Banning Piano Academy

With over 30 years experience the Womack-Banning Piano Academy offers studio based and home visit lessons with our talented team of teachers. Performance skills are confidence building and music is a performing art so we encourage this from the very early stages of playing and offer termly performance opportunities for all our students.

We also run and host Masterclasses, workshops and courses throughout the school year and during the holidays.

In addition we have recently launched 2 concert series: ‘Classics for Kids’ short concerts introducing children and young people to classical music, and ‘Raymond’s Concerts,’ free concerts for people with dementia and their carers/family.

Head Teacher, Founder and Professional Pianist Lorraine Womack-Banning is also founder and host of the Bedfordshire Piano Group which provides both formal and informal performance opportunities at various local venues for Pianists of all standards and genres.

Lorraine is also an experienced Adjudicator and is available for adjudicating school music competitions.

Recently, Lorraine was invited to be a Professor of Piano at Junior Guildhall at the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama last September after 4 years of being a DEP there.