Paul Pibworth

Like most artists I have an obsessive nature. I just can’t stop making things! As a sculptor I have used too many different materials to list in the making of maquettes and models, final artworks, installations and sculptures.


Working to a brief sometimes inhibits people thoughts, but I like to look at them as a way of teasing out an idea. Lending the guidance to my participants is all that is needed to arrive at an end piece of work either functional or artistic. Modelling in different materials I can support students designing chairs to cars and hats to houses.

I have worked with a number of schools where I have presented the group with print outs with the alphabet in 6 different font types. From these I went on to reproduce their font types in steel and they were placed around the school as signage. Even taking their fonts and making branding irons out of them to scorch messages into the wooden fences of a boundary.

If that you are looking for a ways to promote recycling or up-cycling, I can help with that too. I would relish in a project where a group of students take redundant items and repurpose them into something new, practical, artistic and desirable.

The environment also faces the problem of waste plastics. The government are even taking measures to reduce plastics use and trying to promote reuse. With this in mind I can run a workshop using old plastic bottles, reshaping the thermo-plastics with a heat gun and using the pieces to make architectural models, lamps and signs.

I can play the mad inventor too! The mystery of adhocism doesn’t frighten me. I am willing to walk into a classroom, seeing no brief beforehand, being presented with a pile of materials. Forcing the imagination on a journey purely in the interests of ‘design wiv wot u got’.