Skip Beatz / Exercise Behaviour

I am PT Denis.  I am the current Guinness world record holder for the most crossovers with a skipping rope in 60 seconds, and I run a performing arts organisation called ‘Skip Beatz’.

Skip Beatz deliver ultraviolet skipping workshops, provide presentations about the world record and ultraviolet performances focussed on positive actions resulting in success.

Please view the video below to see an assembly and workshop in action!

Visit for more details.

PT Denis also delivers a behaviour support programme called ‘Exercise behaviour’ which involves young people playing multi-sports inside a large scale behaviour scale, taking individuals on a journey of self-discovery about their own behaviour.

The programme is delivered as a small group intervention, whole school model and also staff training programmes, providing access to all the resources through an online database.

Please visit the link to view a video of the various elements and services of the Exercise Behaviour support programme!

Please visit to take a further look at the programme and the various services.

Websites and Social Media

instagram – @ExBehaviour

Twitter – @ExBehaviour

Facebook – SKIP BEATZ
instagram – @SkipBeatz_UK
Twitter – @SkipBeatz_UK