
EqualiTeach is a not-for-profit equality training and consultancy organisation which works with educational establishments from early years to higher education, to provide support and training to help them to meet their equality duties and objectives.

EqualiTeach has a diverse team of highly experienced equality and education experts, and highly competent and personable workshop facilitators. We work in partnership with providers, establishing where the setting currently is in its journey and developing bespoke materials to support the school, nursery or college to meet the equality outcomes that they are striving for.

All EqualiTeach interventions provide institutions with practical tools to help them to create effective change. On-going support is also offered to ensure that support is available when implementing these ideas and any obstacles can be overcome.

We offer:

  • Staff and Governor training, to support schools to promote equality and tackle discrimination, training can look at all areas of equality or specific issues, such as global learning, critical thinking, promoting fundamental British Values, homophobia, racism, sexism or disability discrimination
  • Policy Development
  • Educational Materials
  • Workshops with young people aged 7-18. A catalogue detailing all of our workshops for young people is available here.

Our latest free educational resource, Universal Values. Think Workshops for Primary Schools. Second Thoughts Workshops for Secondary pupils.

“I wanted to thank both you and your team for the workshops you delivered to the Year Nine students at Kingsmead, both on Friday and in December. We are very appreciative of the quality of the workshops and the resources the students were supplied with. I was fortunate enough to have experiences sessions on both days. I was impressed by the conversations the students had and the environment that was created, which enabled this and gave them the opportunity to voice their opinions and successfully challenge stereotypes.

“There was a student in one of the first sessions who became upset that Muslims were ‘hated’ by society, I’m glad that this opinion was challenge and as a consequence of this experience she now feels confident that this is not the opinion of Year Nine Kingsmead students, her peers. I have had a number of students who have commented on the programme, who are appreciative of the opportunity to discuss and gain an understanding of issues that they did not have enough knowledge of or would have not felt confident raising. We were very pleased by the quality and quantity of the Homework that was completed and I look forward to sharing the results with the students in an assembly in the new future. We will most certainly be recommending you to other schools and I don’t doubt that we will see you again at Kingsmead in the future.” – Corrina Batteson, Learning Director Year 9, Kingsmead Secondary School, Enfield