Life In The Trenches

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An opportunity to have on loan a masterfully created and fascinatingly detailed model; currently at our Cultural Provider The Higgins Bedford, as part of the Bedfordshire at War exhibition.

The model was created by Bedford U3A Miniatures Group in commemoration of the bravery of The Bedfordshire Regiment at the battle of ‘Hill 60’, near Ypres, on the Western Front during the First World War. The battle was fought from 17th April to 7th May 1915, but eventually lost. A member of the Regiment, Mr E. (Ted) Warner, won a VC for his bravery in single-handedly defending the trenches against the enemy.

The model shows typical daily life in the trenches. It shows the conditions experienced by the troops, such as the basic domestic facilities for survival. Narrow rail track was used as a trench tramway with hand-hauled wagons to move equipment and ammunition, but also the wounded to safety.

‘Hill 60’ remained in German hands until the Battle of Messines in June 1917 when mines beneath the German lines were detonated by the British.

 The Higgins Bedford and Bedford U3A Miniatures Group are pleased to offer local schools the opportunity to display ‘Life in the Trenches’. It is an incredible opportunity to engage students with life on the front line 100 years ago.

 The model is currently on display at The Higgins Bedford, but will be moving out on Tuesday 4th October to Putnoe Primary School.

It has a purpose made display case and The Higgins Bedford are offering to transport the model and case to a local school free of charge. In addition, we can arrange for members of Bedford U3A Miniatures Group to speak to pupils at the school about the creation of the model and the stories it portrays. The dimensions for the trench model are Length: 1880mm Width: 610mm Height: 525mm

For further information or to arrange to display the model at your school, please contact: Clare Rogers – Learning and Outreach Officer, The Higgins Bedford.

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T – 01234 276335
