My time at Bedford Creative Arts!!! – Work Experience Blog by Conor Chesterman

This blog was written by Year 10 student Conor Chesterman from Bedford Free School, at the end of his week of Work Experience with us in June 2017.

My name is Conor Chesterman, I go to Bedford Free School, and this week, as part of my work experience, I worked with Bedford Creative Arts!

When I arrived at the office on Monday the 26th of the June, my first impressions were really high. I was impressed with the office when I walked in, it was welcoming and colourful. The people who worked there were very kind and helpful. On my first day, I received my timetable and was told what we would be doing throughout the week! In the morning, I sorted out tool packs, and then went to the post office to see what postage was needed. In the afternoon, I filed data off forms onto a spread sheet (some forms were difficult to read due to messy handwriting!).

On Tuesday the 27th of June, I visited the Higgins museum, which is an art and history museum in Bedford, as part of the culture challenge. This was the first time I had ever visited the museum, and I really enjoyed it (except for all the rain :( )!! In the afternoon, I carried on with the data entry, and wrote up my report of the Higgins.

Wednesday the 28th of June- today I visited the John Bunyan museum in Bedford for the first time as well! I arranged a meeting with Kayte and my art teacher Mrs Glasspool on the phone, and then visited the Basement@Bunyan which is an art studio where you can do different activities and courses. I also wrote a report of what I liked about it, and what I would change.

Thursday- on Thursday I visited the Panacea museum which is very close to the Higgins and John Bunyan museum. Again, with the others, this was the first time I had ever visited that museum. I really enjoyed my visit to the Panacea Museum. It was a fun place, and not what I expected it to be! In the afternoon, I wrote up another report, and carried on with data entry.

On Friday I wrote this blog, and completed some new data entry. I would like to say thank you to Bedford Creative Arts for giving me the opportunity to work here. I feel like I’ve learnt a lot working here, and I have also developed confidence in skills such as speaking on the phone and time management. Also, I would like to say thank you for helping me achieve Arts Award Discover. Goooooodbye! :)