ROHB Artsmark Development Day at Grove Theatre, Dunstable 

The Royal Opera House Bridge have organised an Artsmark Development Day which is to be hosted at Grove Theatre in Dunstable, one of our Cultural Providers. These Development Days are typically hosted in cultural organisations and led by experienced education consultants to support the Senoir Learning Team and Artsmark leads who want to see improvements in cultural learning and provide high quality arts provision in their schools. 

Student at the Grove Theatre, Dunstable
Students at the Grove Theatre, Dunstable

Development Days are the first important stage in becoming an Artsmark setting. They provide opportunities for discussion and sharing, and you will leave having made tangible progress in drafting your Statement of Commitment. 

We look forward to welcoming two colleagues from each setting, one of whom must be a member of the senior management team or a governor. If you would like to bring more staff than this to a development day, please ensure you have contacted us by emailing 

Book your place via Eventbrite

It is vital that you have reviewed the Self-Assement Toolkit which is available to download from the Artsmark Website. Please come to the session with a copy of your School Improvement Plan too. 

Points of note: 

  • All settings who are interested in attending this event must have agreed to the fee package as outlined on the Artsmark website. 
  • Please be aware that the nearest parking to the venue is pay and display. 
  • Any questions, please email in the first instance.