Storytelling in the Woods

Wassledine Workshops in the Woods
Wassledine, as a part of their annual series of courses called ‘A Day at the Woods‘, will be offering workshops in storytelling and outdoor craft activities. The workshops would be a great opportunity for teachers who want to expand their skills working with young people.
Sunday 17th June –  Storytelling in the Woods
A course suitable for people working with children in an outdoor setting or anyone wanting to take the first steps to telling a tale. For more information click here.
Saturday 30th June – Write in the Woods
New for this year, a day combining history and craft to learn about and make ink, cordage, a quill pen and pages to write on. For more information click here.These workshops take place at Bottoms Corner Wood, part of the Wassledine farm in Gravenhurst.

More information about these workshops, ‘A Day at the Woods‘ and booking forms, please click here.