The Royal Opera House Design Challenge for Schools & Colleges
The Royal Opera House is now recruiting for schools and colleges to take part in Design Challenge 2017/18, which will be based on Strauss’s opera Salome and starts in September 2017. Please email to register your interest in taking part.

The Design Challenge competition gives students the opportunity to test and develop design skills. The competition is open to all UK FE colleges and sixth forms and it is free to take part. Each participating student will work to a real director’s brief, building a portfolio of their process and a final piece in one of the four categories:

Design Challenge 2017/18 Key Project Dates:
  • 1st July 2017: Project registration deadline
  • 7th September 2017: Design Challenge Introductory CPD (free to attend, but booking is essential)
  • September – December 2017: Project delivery in school/college
  • 6th October 2017: Design Challenge Teacher CPD and Exhibition Tour at V&A* (free to attend, but booking is essential)
  • 12th January 2018: Internal judging deadline
  • 19th January 2018: Finalists’ online submission deadline
  • 26th January 2018: Winners announcement on Royal Opera House website
  • 9th February 2018: Winners exhibition and celebration day at V&A*
  • February half term date TBC: Winners invited to ROH experience day
To take part in or to find out more about next year’s competition, please email or call 01708 891 200.
* This year the Royal Opera House will be working in partnership with the V&A on their Opera: Passion, Power and Politics exhibition, in which Salome features. Teachers may choose to take their students to see the exhibition as part of the Design Challenge project.