Volunteer with The Virtual Orchestra

The Virtual Orchestra

The Virtual Orchestra is coming to Bedford and is on the lookout for volunteers! From 16th July until 10 August, volunteering and work experience opportunities are available with this inspiring arts project. The Orchestra are looking for a large number of volunteers to help facilitate and run the project alongside their experienced team of event and technical managers.

The Virtual Orchestra is working closely with local organisations to help achieve audience and cultural engagement targets within the city that reduce and remove barriers to arts engagement. These opportunities to get involved in volunteering and work experience are a useful chance for people to build their CVs, give something back to the community, involve themselves in a nation-wide arts engagement project, and gain valuable experience within arts and project management.

For more information, visit the Try Volunteering website, email Tom Spurgin on tom.spurgin@philharmonia.co.uk or speak to him direct on 020 7921 3932.