Goldington Green Academy seeks two Cultural Providers

Goldington Green Academy are seeking to commission two creative practitioners to work with groups of 15 boys in years 3 and 4 (aged 7 – 10). The boys have been selected as they will benefit from developing self-expression, confidence and engagement with positive role models. The school has a vision of boys enjoying and engaging with the arts and seeing it as a purposeful subject area.

Supplies in an art room

It is anticipated that the project will be delivered either on the week commencing 17th June 2019. We anticipate a half day of prep and planning including a visit or phone call with the lead teacher, two half days of delivery with your group, followed by helping the children present their work to a group of peers and family members, on the Friday of that week (or the week after if this is not practical).

Goldington Green Academy are open to bids from practitioners from a variety of differing skills and backgrounds so would be particularly interested in expressions of interest from visual artist providers offering modelling, work with textiles, art incorporating digital media or graffiti artists. As a school, they are open to learning from the creative sector and to this end we would like to match each artist with a teacher from the school to both help and observe your approach to your artform. We would like the children to come away from their experience with improved engagement, enjoyment and knowing that engagement with the arts can lead on to career and life long activities beyond their time at school. To this end we would like you to incorporate, briefly, the story of your own creative career within your delivery.

Please email Ailene Gray ( specifying your full costing along with your expression of interest and availability on the identified weeks by 3rd June 2019. We anticipate that your expression of interest should be no more than 300 words and supported by weblinks to or images of previous work relevant to your bid. This opportunity is open only to creative practitioners on the Culture Challenge website. The anticipated fee for each artist is £580 and is inclusive of time, travel, delivery, VAT and materials.