PoMoNo Visual Arts

I have twenty years’ experience of creating murals in Bedford with groups of young people, involving them and their ideas in every aspect of the project. This method of working ensures that the whole group has a real sense of pride in seeing their artwork on permanent display for all to see.

I am also an expert on the history of graffiti and street art, which I’ve been documenting for over thirty years. As a result, I have met many of the top urban artists and can offer talks about various aspects of street art / graffiti. I also run street art tours of east London, which have proved to be extremely popular with home educated children and also pensioners.

Street art has become a very popular phenomenon and is an essential aspect of many GCSE art curricula.

I have given a number of talks (and tours) of the statues and sculpture of Bedford which include background information about the artists and their other prestigious works in London etc. This would give any student studying local history a real insight into the local town’s artistic heritage.


We have known Paul Nicholson for around 10 years.  He has worked with the charity on a wide variety of projects including animation, junk modelling, graffiti art, video creation and editing, murals, rangoli and many, many other projects!  Paul is always very willing and very creative.  The young people we work with have very complex needs and communication difficulties and Paul can still ensure he get their ideas and they can all fully participate.  He always lets the young people lead the project and ensures it their ideas at the forefront.  I would be happy to recommend him.” – Rose McHugh, BDCPS